Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Camel toe snatchers

Yay honeymoon time!!!
So I'm in the airport, waiting to board my delayed flight to New York, for my delayed honeymoon...  However; this is not a problemo given that the Husbo is an Elite member and gets to get us into the lounge.  Even though we just had lunch, I immediately went to check out the free grub; trashy but awesome.  And so we sit, and snack.  I've insisted that the Husbo and I be touching at all times for the duration of the honeymoon (I'm a spider monkey anyways, so it's not much different) when we are sitting, standing, and generally stationary (right now my leg is resting on his lap... It's actually kinda uncomfortable, but I'm sticking to my rule).  I want mega PDA, and irritating canoodling, nose kisses, and snuggling...  Yes we've been together 7 years, and yes, we were married over a year ago, but I am MILKING this honeymoon to the max.  By milking, I mean shamelessly telling everyone that I can potentially benefit from (i.e. hotel front desk, airline attendants, servers) that it's our honeymoon.  I don't have the whole "shame" gene anyways, and the Husbo has a ridiculous amount of it, so he's feeling nervous about what I'm going to say throughout the trip.  I often wonder why he married me, when I'm kinda embarrassing ( he's soooo easy to embarrass too tehe).  For example, 3 minutes ago, Husbo was on the phone with his boss (i.e. the CEO) and I happened to hear the last part of his sentence, "... and I'm trying to figure out how I can service these guys".  Obviously I couldn't resist and I said (in a man voice for some reason) "give 'em a blow job".  Husbo gave me the death glare, immediately turned florescent red and panicked to cover the mouth piece a lil' too late:  I got 3 giggles from people in close vicinity...  That was the highlight of our trip so far.  I'm still giggling, and Husbo has removed my leg from resting on his lap as punishment for 5.5 minutes.

In the Lounge... He thought I was squishing his IPad.  Geeeezzzz
I can't handle Teva's; especially the leather ones, like that makes them fancier or something??  They are the worst.  Why are there so many people who insist on wearing them?  Like I really need to know???  I've also assumed that it's general knowledge that Velcro shoes are never okay (unless you're Kanye West), but, touché - Never assume.  People watching is awesome, but gross:  Three nose pickers, several wedgey snatchers, and a couple of camel-toes later, I'm ready to be done with humanity.  Can't wait for the animals I see in the big NY!!!

Pick your wedgey from the back, not the front.  A word of advice.

xo T

P.S.  My leg is back on Husbo's lap.  I win.

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