The bronzed/neutral J-Lo inspired video is ready. I decided to turn it into a more natural/wearable version of her rendition, as I think it's a perfect day look, especially coming into Spring. I tried to put the video to one of J-Lo's songs, but as beautiful as she is, her music hurts my brain, so it couldn't happen. I DID however wear my trusty hoochy-mamma hoop earring, so that makes up for it I figure. There was also a small issue with the camera settings I was using, and I didn't realize it until after the shooting; you may notice I look slightly yellow in the video... Let's just say it looks bronzed shall we?
Exciting news time! My fabulous friends Erica and Steve Hay are coming today just for a one-night visit!! They are just married, and I can't WAIT to see them as we weren't able to go to their wedding. I wanna get irresponsible with them in Houston! ALSO, Just Wax It and Kayo by Théa are teaming up to do a fabulous prom offer, so anyone with teenage daughters about to graduate, send 'em our way for a professional eyebrow and upper lip wax + a professional makeup application... You'll thank us when there are no temper tantrums later.
A minor case of Jaundice looks kinda nice doncha think? A little like self tanner.
xo T
I noticed J-Lo wearing extremely bright blue/green eyeshadow on last week's American Idol. Personally I loved it (child of the 70's) but thought that those colours were kinda passe? Tell me I can wear them again please!!!